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Get your tickets

Welcome to the webshop of the GardeRobe MannekenPis. Here you can order your ticket to the Museum and to our events.


In case of cancellation, no refund will be made. However, it will be possible to change the details of your visit.


We wish you a pleasant visit.

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Combiticket Garderobe MannekenPis + Brussels City Museum
With this ticket, you will receive one entrance to the MannekenPis, which is also valid for the Brussels City Museum on the Grand Place.
Your entrance to the GardeRobe MannekenPis
Did you know that Manneken-Pis has more than 1000 costumes? Located just a stone's throw from the fountain, this unique museum features close to 150 exceptional outfits from around the world. Professionals, personalities, civic or sports associations, carnivals and folklore, discover the secrets of the incredible wardrobe of the most famous Brussels little boy and test your dexterity by dressing a replica of the statue.


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